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Lighthouse has a research component in order to better help us understand what is contributing to housing instability in Tucson, and so that we know what resources are needed in our community. Enrollment into the evaluation is what is considered to be formal enrollment into the Lighthouse Project. Enrollment is meeting with Julie for about an hour and a half and go through several questionnaires that ask about gender and sexual identity, sexual experiences, quality of life, and housing and living conditions. Participation in this enrollment is voluntary.

CASE management

We offer internal case management with Lighthouse staff. This service is provided by request and can cater to specific needs that you communicate with us. Formal case management is available through Lighthouse collaborator, Our Family Services (OFS). We can help you enroll with OFS in order to access that service.

Other services

In addition to the above services, we also offer food, behavioral health referrals, sexual health resources, computer access, free wifi, case management, hangout spaces, and the opportunity to participate in evaluation activities. 


Lighthouse provides housing case management through Our Family Services (OFS).



SAAF provides training for the Lighthouse Project. SAAF’s training for the Lighthouse Project will offer providers an opportunity to gain knowledge about terms and definitions related to LGBTQ+ identities and examine best practices for working with LGBTQ+ community members.  This presentation will help attendees better understand homelessness in LGBTQ+ communities and will explore the impact of stigma and discrimination on LGBTQ+ people.  Attendees will review ways in which they and their organizations can serve as allies to LGBTQ+ community members.  


Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 Restrictions, we are not currently holding in-person events. Typically, our monthly events include activities like BBQs, movie nights, and museum nights. Check the calendar to see an up-to-date list of activities.


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